This subject is near and dear to me because I fall in this category.
However, before you judge me so harshly, let me describe my passion for children.
As well as, how I ended up in the Early Childhood Education industry, I saw a
child struggling in reading and I thought that if this child could be taught in
his earlier years and have fun learning, I could learn how to reach and make a
difference in this child’s life. This is how I want to make a difference with
my work and one person can make a difference and contribute back to the
community. With that being said, hiring an older employee to your business will
add value to your organization because the older employee will deliver a
superior customer service and register a much lower turnover. According to SHRM
Magazine, reasons to hire an older worker they are able to transfer their knowledge
to others, they are advisors and historians. They are loyal and bring the
highest retention rate of all the age groups.
Therefore, employers do not be
hesitant to hire older employees. Contrary, older workforces have a tendency to
be in good health than unemployed individuals in their age group. Because
people in general need to feel that they are making a difference and
contributing to society as a whole. The question should be asked could this individual
do the job. According to Robert Grossman, writer for SHRM magazine, “Older personnel
are crucial to our employment mix.” Many people in this age group are eager to
learn new and different ways, for example, the hottest social media, is
Pintrest, absolutely love it, there are so many ways to use this media for
example, in business and pleasure. Not to mention, this is most employees like to arrive early and leave late if there is deadlines and work
needs to be accomplished.
Grossman, R. J. (2013, August 11). Invest in Older Workers.
HR Magazine, Volume 58, 20-25.
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