Tuesday, June 18, 2013


John Crane and Pintoy Toys are the tools children use in play. Toys can be purchased, or they may be as simple as kitchen pan lids or paper sack puppets. Anything children can play with safely can be a toy. In fact, you may have watched infants open presents and noticed that they spent more time playing with the ribbon and wrapping than with the toy inside. Playing is important to children; it is the way they practice growing up.
Toys also invite children to create and use their imaginations. Give an empty cardboard box to a child and watch all the things it becomes - a train, house, or cage at the zoo. Children start many play times with "Let's pretend..." and toys encourage this. With John Crane and Pintoy five star wooden toys brings creative to the child's imagination and hours of entertainment. You can order at www.pintoys.com.

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